The Babies’ Nest

Welcome to the Babies’ Nest! Our infant program offers a "baby safe" environment brimming with opportunities for free play, exploration, and floor activities. Our dedicated caregivers provide consistent and attentive care, following each baby's unique schedule and affirming their every move.

Our tiny adventurers also get to experience the great outdoors (weather permitting), enjoying strolls through town or relaxing on their private infant deck just outside their room. In the Babies Nest, every day is filled with discovery, joy, and nurturing care!


The Toddlers’ Den

Welcome to the Toddlers’ Den! Here, our toddlers are given a wide range of opportunities to explore their world through play. We focus on developing their gross motor and social skills through both structured and unstructured activities.

Our toddler program nurtures the development of emerging language and social abilities through hands-on, self-directed learning and teacher-guided activities. Each day, children engage in activities that foster independence, concentration, and a love for learning.

The environment is carefully prepared to encourage exploration and discovery, with child-sized furniture and accessible materials. Our toddlers’ days are filled with music, art, dance, story time, and practical life exercises, creating a rich and stimulating environment where they can thrive.


The Tweeners’ Hive

Welcome to the Tweeners Hive! Here, we nurture children's natural curiosity about the world around them with fun and developmentally appropriate activities. With a blend of teacher-guided and child-led experiences, we help our little bees focus, learn coping skills, and develop positive social behaviors.

Our creative curriculum offers children the chance to explore every facet of their growth: social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and sensory. Inspired by hands-on learning principles, our hive is filled with exciting opportunities for children to discover, create, and thrive. From collaborative projects to individual explorations, each day is an adventure in learning and growing together.


The Pre-K’s Grove

Welcome to the Pre-K's Grove! Here, each program builds on the last, making learning a continuous and exciting journey. While it might look like fun and games, our curriculum is packed with educational adventures.

In the grove, we play games that sneak in pre-reading skills, basic math concepts, and hands-on science exploration. When the weather's nice, we venture out for walking field trips to local businesses, the library, and the beautiful ocean.

We also love to spark their sense of adventure with trips to amazing places like Acadia National Park, the Maine Discovery Museum, and the Performing Arts at The Grand.